Positive Reinforcement Works on Upper West Side Personal Training Clients, Too

by glenn on May 24, 2013

Everybody gets down once in a while.  We all know that few things can improve someone’s mood as much as the endorphins from exercise, but sometimes people need a push before they can get to that.  Just like a teacher gives positive reinforcement to a student or a parent to a child, personal trainers often need to provide a bit of positive reinforcement to their clients.  At the start of each session, it is a good practice to remind your client of something they did well in their last training session at the start of the current session.

First, in the case of a client who is feeling a bit lethargic or not as enthusiastic about exercising, a positive statement about their last session can be motivating.  A quick pick me up that reminds them of how they overcame an obstacle, had great form, or reached a strength goal.

Secondly, reminding a client about something from last week can refocus them and bring them back into the moment.  A great training moment reminder can send a jolt of adrenaline coursing through the client helping them to hone in on their Upper West Side personal trainer and hang on their every word.  They’ll be ready to get moving and break a sweat.

Finally, a flashback lets the client know that their Upper West Side personal trainer is paying attention to them.  A certain level of thoughtfulness creeps into the relationship.  This could even become a point of competition for the client, because they want to see which part of the workout will be brought up at a future session.

Everybody finds motivation in a different way.  For some people it is a song, for others it is a reward, and still for others it is simply achieving a goal.  Whatever it is
that motivates you, may you always find it, but everyone feels good when they receive a compliment from a peer.  Remember, before beginning any physical fitness program, be sure to consult your primary care physician.  It is necessary to get their approval and receive a clean “bill of health.”


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